This is our first post on our new web site and I didn’t realise that it would be such an auspicious start. As I’m sure many of you know in the last week Canmore was hit by a torrent of rain, which added to the winter runoff causing extensive flooding to the town. Thankfully, no one was injured although our thoughts go out to those who have lost their homes. We have been extremely fortunate that Canmore Crossing was not badly effected. Although the underground car-park flooded and the lift broke down we did not sustain any major damage.

Gas has now been restored and the power is back on in town. The hygiene inspectors are currently making sure that all restaurants in the town of Canmore are back to their usual high standard of cleanliness. It will take some time to get back to normal, but Canmore is on the mend.

I would also just like to thank everyone who has thought of us and our business. Most of all, as a family, we would like to thank our manager Sarah, for working overtime to make sure that our guests were taken care of.  Sarah did this even though she lives in one of the most effected parts of town.

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